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44 Questions your baby’s soul can answer to bring peace and comfort to every stage of your motherhood journey


Inside this free eGuide, you’ll find questions to ask your baby’s soul when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, following loss and even after they’re born. 

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This eGuide is for you if:

  • You're new to baby soul communication and are not sure what questions to ask your baby's soul

  • You're searching for answers that no-one else can give you about your experiences trying to conceive, following loss, during pregnancy and once babies/children are Earthside

  • Your mind/emotions are going round and round in circles about your experiences and you cannot find a way to escape that loop

  • You're spiritually curious or just want to understand why things happened (or why they haven't happened yet)​

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By the time you reach page #8, you'll have a complete list of questions to help you:

  • Know what to ask so that you can receive the answers you need from the one who knows (your baby!)

  • Gain insight into the types of information that your baby’s soul can share with you so that you can understand your own motherhood journey better

  • Find hope and clarity following loss, especially when you’re struggling to understand your experiences

  • Understand your baby/child at the soul level, so that you can help parent them more effectively during their earthside journey


Hi, I'm Lauren

I'm a baby soul communicator and energy intuitive who helps women to connect with their baby’s soul to understand their journey from preconception to early childhood more clearly.


My experience has been that every baby's soul has wisdom and insights to share with their parents and I'm passionate about giving these babies a voice to explain the unexpected and the “why’s”—from their perspective.


I'm also a former Registered NICU Nurse who has cared for more than 7000 babies requiring intensive care from birth. It was here, in these hospital nurseries, where my worlds collided and the babies I was caring for began to teach me so much about their own journey, some before they were even born. These experiences completely changed how I cared for babies clinically and also changed my own beliefs around birth, life...and death.


I've now packed up my scrubs and left the hospital environment so that I can openly and honestly support babies’ souls, whether they're in Spirit or Earthside. I believe in using a grounded, balanced approach that straddles both science and Spirit so that baby soul communication comes through clearly, gently and in practical ways.

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